Kick-off meeting on 17 and 18 November 2022 in Paris marked successful launch of the project BungEES in Slovakia, France, Czech Republic, Germany, Spain, Portugal, Italy and Belgium. After the brief introduction of all project partners, first session regarding the implementation and data acquisition for smart EES validation took place, led by Voltalis. It included practical presentation of the Voltalis trading platform and equipment to be installed in pilot buildings, as well as requirements on the pilot buildings.
Topic of implementation and data acquisition for smart EES validation followed into second and third session, accompanied by presentation of one of the pilot buildings (Department of Electrical and Computer Engineering in the University of Coimbra) by Institute of Systems and Robotics of University of Coimbra and analysis of broader aspects of servitisation (X-as-a-service) of the energy sector along with consumer participation and stakeholder management in smart energy services. First day of the meeting was finished with workshops dedicated to identification of existing and development of new smart EES.

Second day of the meeting was dedicated to breakdown of individual project work packages and distribution of work for the following months. Specifically, deadlines were set for preparation of dissemination, replication, and exploitation plan (DREP) as well as communication plan. Project partners also discussed preparation, testing and validation of new service concept and service model validation. Analysis and assessment of regulatory enablers and contractual arrangements was also carried out as part of the meeting.